There has been significant progress in reshaping mental health provision in Lambeth. This has been driven by the Lambeth Living Well Collaborative and via Alliance provider arrangements put in place over the past few years. We want to build on this because there are still enormous challenges to address and considerable opportunities to improve outcomes for people.
We want people in Lambeth to have a fully integrated and coordinated mental health system that is focused on people’s strengths and their whole health and wellbeing. To do this, Lambeth Council and NHS Lambeth CCG are considering the award of a longer term Alliance contract to enable providers to work alongside people who use services and local communities and design and deliver services and support that are fit for the future.
The Living Well Network Alliance will be responsible for all of the adult mental health services in Lambeth, including community, specialist and inpatient services. It will lead, co-ordinate and manage support and services for those experiencing mental health issues. We want it to build on the existing Living Well Network that provides a holistic, asset based approach to supporting people. We believe that the proposed Alliance will bring benefits for everyone using or working within mental health services in the borough.
We organised three Future Workshop events to:
• Inspire creative thought and energy about possibilities for change in the way mental health is supported in Lambeth over the next 5-10 years.
• Help us describe what ‘good’ mental health services and support looks like in 5-10 years time.
• Help develop proposals prior to formal procurement. Please see ‘Our Plans for the Future’, which describes our ambition in more detail.
Digital Thinking
Living well with technology (30th November, 4pm to 7:00pm, Bolney Meadow Community Centre (31 Bolney St, Vauxhall, London, SW8 1EZ)
As the role and significance of technology in our lives continues to evolve, we need to recognise its impact. We need to embrace digital thinking and what it means for how services and systems are designed, accessed and delivered. We want to explore its potential for changing how people manage their own mental and emotional wellbeing, how professionals and practitioners work to deliver personalised support and how the wider system is connected around the individual’s needs and assets. We will need new skills to make the most of the opportunities that technology can bring.
Event Materials
Digital Future Festivals introduction presentation
Maxine Mackintosh presentation on digital mental health
Peter Ilves presentation on Big White Wall
Horizon scans and case studies
21st Century Demand Management
From beds and caseloads to active networks of support (7th December, 2.30pm to 5.30pm, Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre (108 Stamford Street, South Bank London SE1 9NH)
The complexity and pressures of demand for mental health support will require health and care systems to change the way this is managed. Better management of thresholds and tighter gatekeeping can create risks by reducing access or delaying intervention. We need to look at how we can make the most of the assets and skills of individuals and communities to help more people at an earlier stage to avoid them reaching a crisis. We want embrace demand by developing new ways of working to move away from a culture of thresholds, beds and caseloads to active engagement with broader communities and networks of support.
Event Materials
Demand Management Future Festivals introduction presentation
Paul Corrigan Demand Management presentation
Vitality Health Insurance model presentation
Horizon scans and case studies
Collaborative Leadership
Leading with communities and networks (15th December, 2.30pm to 5.30pm, The Foundry (17 Oval Way, London, SE11 5RR)
A single alliance contract offers providers an opportunity to work more closely together and enhance the integration of services. However, leadership of the ‘system’ can’t be limited to the role of provider organisations and the way they work together to deliver support. We need to reposition providers and organisations in a new model of collaborative leadership that recognises and empowers different voices, communities and networks to lead alongside providers. We want to go beyond health and social care integration and design holistic models of care and support that embrace people’s wider experience of home, community, employment, schooling and online (virtual). Providers will need to to share their skills and resources flexibly and invest in their capacity to facilitate and drive innovation in collaborative leadership.
Event Materials
Collaborative Leadership Future Festivals introduction presentation
Black Wellbeing Partnership Overview presentation
Horizon scans and case studies
Summary write up of Future Festivals events and next steps
To see a summary write up of all three future events please click here.
These events are only the beginning and there will be plenty of other opportunities to get involved. If you would like to be involved in any events around Our Plans for the Future please email us.