It was a full house and agenda as Chair David Monk welcomed back Natalie Sutherland who has been on secondment to Lewisham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as the Senior Joint Commissioning Manager for Adult Mental Health covering both adults of working age and mental health older adults. Natalie has now returned as the Alliance Development and Commissioning Manager, covering Ieuan’s role.
There was a short reflection on last meeting, which had focused on peer support, which was picked up throughout the meeting
OASIS – Outreach and Support in South London
Paolo Fusar-Poli (Lead Consultant Psychiatrist, OASIS) – and Martin Smith (Team Leader, OASIS) from South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) came to talk to the Collaborative about OASIS. Two academic papers had been circulated in advance of the meeting to set the context.
- OASIS works with young people between the ages of 14-35 years to detect those who may be at risk of developing SMI (serious mental health issues).
- It is hard to detect whether people will develop psychosis, and don’t access thinking they will develop a MH problem.
- OASIS has launched a new website: – which is an initiative to try and attract younger people.
The service offers three elements:
1. Screen to see if at risk
2. Help – comprehensive package. Mainly psychological support – CBT – as well as psychosocial groups. The ‘at risk’ aspect is important as some are not severe enough for some support programmes. Medication is an option where helpful.
3. Outreach service
- Have strong relationships with GPs (the meeting highlighted need to look at how that fits with Living Well Network Alliance Single Point of Access), Gyms, Resource centres.
- Want to recruit everyone to promote idea of early intervention and early help.
- They offer screening and promote help-seeking behaviours and provide non-stigmatising support.
- Working together:
- There was the challenge for OASIS and Black Thrive to work together at how to outreach BME communities, particularly young black men.
- The SLaM Service User group has agreed to work with OASIS in outreach.
- It was agreed that there would be room for people with lived experience and advocacy to work as part of the team.
- OASIS to update references to include local services (for each of the 4 boroughs they work in) and not just to highlight national services. This will help to signpost people to appropriate local services.
- Agreed to link with single point of access and alliance outreach.
Living Well Network Alliance – 1 year on
- Neil and Sue provided an update on the Alliance and went through the presentation (see below).
- While the Alliance has achieved some changes, the main changes will come from September 1st 2019.
- Achieved considerable engagement, particularly with staff across the network , including Healthwatch and Black Thrive.
- The Partnership was praised for its reliance and strength, working together to solve problems
- It was noted that peer support models should be embedded and integral. The Living Well Centres will have peer support as part of the offer; on acute wards, and there will be a 24-hour Peer Support line. It was noted that this needs to be wider than formal MH offers.
- There was a SLaM/NHS England /NHS Improvement out of area placement event and it was noted that Cambridgeshire does a lot of work around the ‘front door’.’ NHS I said they would put us in touch so we can learn from them.
- It was noted that carers should not be left off the agenda.
- The question of housing was raised again. Although it was noted that there are on-going discussions with housing, however, there is not one person that covers everything; supply, rent arrears, problems with neighbours , move on challenges etc. The issue is if it is the right housing, not if they have housing.
- Healthwatch Lambeth would like to communicate the 1 year on success story to feature in their newsletter.
- Neil Robertson, on loan from Croydon announced they were interviewing for the Alliance director that day. Neil will leave Lambeth on 31 October 2019. Neil was thanked for his support.
East London Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (SEL STP) CCG
- Circulated a staff bulletin – targeting staff across South East London – but thought it would be useful to share. This is in response to the LTP.
- Proposal from April next year is to have 1 CCG across South East London (as opposed to 6 CCGs) and one accountable officer; Andrew Bland.
- Andrew Eyres, Lambeth CCG Accountable Officer will become the Borough Director in Lambeth and will report to Andrew Travers (Council Chief Executive) and Andrew Bland (Accountable officer for CCG).
- There will also be place based services (borough based). In Lambeth it is Lambeth Together that provides the architecture for our place based system.
- Currently working through what will be provided from the one CCG and place based borough levels.
South London Partnership
- South West London and St George’s NHS Foundation Trust, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust was originally a partnership that worked around Forensics and judged a success. This will now expand into Complex Care, all South East London boroughs (Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham, Bexley Bromley, Greenwich ) will give the budget for complex care to the trusts, apart from Lambeth, which has IPSA in place.
Primary Care Networks
- GP practices are going into 9 primary care networks. GPs are going into clusters.
- There will be 3 Living Well Centres and there is an opportunity for these to work together.
- It was noted that Healthwatch is concerned that the citizen voice has not been considered; all from Healthwatch London have written to NHSE to ask what they are going to do to address this. Sarah C will report back on this.
Black Thrive
- There was a Shared Measurement System (SMS) workshop to try and bring information from different partners across the system into one place. There will be a more public launch late Autumn. It is to make an online platform that people will be able to access. It was noted that this is not just numbers, but also the narrative to go along with it.
- There was recognition that there is not a minimum standard for data collection across the voluntary and community sector.
James from Carers Hub Lambeth announced the first meeting of the Carers Collaborative Network, on 16 July 2019 and the recently set up Carers Voices forum, both generic groups. He flagged up the action plan for carers, launched July 1st 2019.
Solidarity in a Crisis (SiaC) – Joseph reported
- For June 141 calls, 56 Lambeth
- No referrals from SlaM 24/7 line
- SiaC cards – pharmacist used to put in with people’s meds, to check if this still happens
Connect and Do – Paula updated
- Big connect event last month, which was well attended, interesting workshops, tasters and good networking opportunity.
- Plan to do further events every quarter.
World Suicide Prevention Day – awareness raising 10 September 2019 – Stef updated on planning group work to date
- Looking for people who want to be involved, there was a meeting the following day and on 18 July, with skype events around it.
Get Involved with Lambeth CCG
- CCG advertising for 10 members of public to get involved in their meetings. Look out for that if interested in getting involved in other things.
- Sue Field announced that she is going on a 12 month secondment from September to the South London Partnership. She will be supporting people in complex care to step down to less restrictive settings. It was noted she will be missed and was thanked for her Alliance mission. Jessica from the Hub who is off on maternity leave was also thanked for her hard work.
- Kings College Hospital is producing a MH strategy – agreed to try and invite them to the breakfast meeting to look at the strategy and feed in.
Next meeting Thursday, September 12, 8am – 10am, Abbevilles.
Click here for Living Well Network year 1 presentation
Click here for papers circulated by OASIS
Click here for more papers circulated by OASIS
Are minutes available for the Sept 12th meeting yet? Seems especially important given recent changes.
The notes are now available to read, here is the link