The Evening Sanctuary at Mosaic Clubhouse is seeking a part-time weekend Support Worker from 6pm – midnight to join its team that helps adults from age 18 experiencing a mental health crisis.
Since it opened in 2015, the Sanctuary has been heralded for ‘having like minded people around… lightening the load and giving people a chance to set goals and gain confidence’. A safe alternative to A&E for those feeling suicidal, lonely or having a particularly wobbly day, it has helped change lives and give people a purpose when they thought all was lost.
It grew from the already established Mosaic Clubhouse (open daytime, five days a week) with the Lambeth Living Well Collaborative and now links in with the Living Well Network Alliance and other community organisations.
There have been more than 8,000 visits to the Sanctuary by more than 381 people in the years up to 2022 – 103 in that last year.
It is the lived experience, peer support and the tenets of the International Clubhouse model that has shaped a centre of good practice with a welcome spirit.
Info about the Support Worker vacancy (Saturday and Sundays) can be found here. Deadline April 14.