Tributes to Loy White and peer support in focus
Lambeth Living Well Collaborative Breakfast, Thursday 13 February 2020
Lambeth Hospital plans on the menu
Lambeth Living Well Collaborative Breakfast, Thursday 9 January 2020
Denis says farewell… for now …
Mental Health Opportunities in Lambeth
Find out more about the supervision you could receive and the Mental Health Champions Network
Get Fit with Hood Mentality at the Black Princes Trust
Hood Mentality at Black Prince Trust offers basketball, football, weights and boxing for 16 – 25 year olds
New Drop-in Wednesdays for community opportunities
Share your community knowledge at Swap Shop drop-in on Wednesday, February 26
Open Morning to open doors – March 5
MP visit to Young Adults and carers event rounds off year
Artist Remix Jars
Are you an artist, or someone with a story? Would you like to fill a jar with your knowledge or narrative?
Lambeth Living Well Collaborative Breakfast, Thursday 12 December 2019
Safari to Loughborough Farm, LJ Works and Platform Café
Ldn Dares on Shakespeare’s Globe stage
Project Dare moves forward with new branding
Living Well Collaborative Breakfast, Thursday 14 November 2019
Nesta captures co-designed transforming work