“Am not ashamed or afraid of mental health or to talk about it, which is why I spoke to Anna for the Healthwatch project*,” says 63-year-old Ken Floyd.
“I’ve been 36 years in mental health, in hospital (1988,1990 and between 1994-2002) and feel I’ve learned to manage. I never used to take my medication for psychosis , which made me very unwell, now I manage that, my diabetes , I eat better food and feel I will be happy for the rest of my life.
“I started volunteering for Lambeth Vocational Services at Beale House (South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust). Mark reached out to me at the COIN website launch in 2023.
“I’d been involved with Timebank there and they are really kind and give me the run of the place . I work on reception …in some places it feels like ‘them and us’ but here I’m appreciated, with support from Shaun… feels like I got a promotion.
“I started to recover by taking my dad’s offer to move into the spare room above his shop in north London. Then getting a home (social housing in Clapham) , help with benefits, to get a freedom pass, support from day centres… am so happy here and have had some good doctors and psychiatrists – getting my depot, talking therapy, health checks – blood, diabetes, thyroid tests via my GP.
“I returned to volunteering at Mosaic Clubhouse last year, which I am also really enjoying and I am still Chair of Brixton Neighbourhood Forum.
“Above all my vocation setting up the Brixton BMX Club, Brockwell Park, has been my salvation. I was awarded a British Empire Medal in 2023. I met King Charles at the royal garden party and he asked me ‘how did you get your medal’ and I said ‘in the post’ , and he said ‘what for’? and someone shouted ‘for 40 years’ service’.”
Karen Hooper
Ken is featured in the Living Well Network Alliance Fifth Progress Report here
*Healthwatch Lambeth Engagement Officer Anna D’Agostina interviewed Black African and Caribbean male service users with a SMI (Serious Mental Illness)while carers and clinical-non clinical staff have completed an online survey. The data will be featured in a report, which will be published this year.