Remembering those lost to suicide – September 10

Remembering those lost to suicide – September 10

Autumn update for Lambeth prevention strategy

An online Conference and Service of Remembrance will mark this years’ World Suicide Prevention Day in Lambeth on Tuesday September 10.

The event brings together Lambeth’s South East London Suicide Bereavement partners: South London and Maudsley NHS Trust (SLaM) South East London Mind and Mind in Bexley. 

Speakers include the National Data Guardian ( Thrive LDN (  Andy’s Man Club ( and NHS South East and South West London Integrated Care Boards. The final speaker ‘will share their personal experience of losing a loved one to suicide’.

 SLaM Trust chaplains will lead a non-denominational service of remembrance for those lost through suicide, either personally or professionally.  

The event is open to all, including service users, carers, staff and members of the public.

Sign up here

Shifting stigma and updating the strategy

Meanwhile, Lambeth’s Suicide Prevention Partnership group is in the process of ‘refreshing our Suicide Prevention Strategy for the borough, which will be open for consultation in the Autumn’, but stresses that if anyone has any pressing informal feedback they can contact its Mental Health and Wellbeing Specialists, Merwaan ( or Marghe (

“Every year in Lambeth, around 15 people take their own lives and each of these deaths affects many more people who have known and loved them,” says Marghe.

“We’re committed to preventing suicides in Lambeth and ensure that nobody takes their own life in the borough. And we can all help to do so.”

Link to strategy here Suicide prevention strategy amended 2022-2025.pdf

Start the conversation

The theme this year from the International Association for the Prevention of Suicide (IASP) in conjunction with the World Health Organisation (WHO) is Shifting the Narrative on suicide from a ‘culture of silence and stigma to one of openness and understanding and support; advocating for policies and legislation that prioritise mental health, increase access to care and provide support for those in need’.

As part of the campaign IASP is issuing a call to action: “Start the Conversation”, encouraging individuals, communities, organisations, and governments to engage in open, honest discussions about mental health and suicide. ‘By starting conversations, we can break down barriers and raise awareness, check in with a friend or loved one, share personal stories and advocate for mental health resources and support services. Every conversation, no matter how small, contributes to a more supportive and understanding society.’

Useful contacts

24/7 immediate help

Under 18
Papyrus national help line for any young people under the age of 35

0800 068 4141

Kooth is a free online counselling and wellbeing platform for children and young people aged 10-25.  

Stay Alive App is an app packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis.
 18 and over
South London and Maudsley NHS Trust 24-hour mental health crisis line.

0800 731 2864 (Option 1)

Solidarity in a Crisis is a free, out-of-hours phone line for those in a crisis run by peer supporters with lived experience.

0300 123 1922

Samaritans has a free to call service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, if you want to talk to someone in confidence.  116 123

The Listening Place provides free, face-to-face, ongoing support, by appointment, for those who feel that life is no longer worth living.

020 3906 7676

 Further information

  • If you are concerned about someone, you feel like something’s not quite right with someone, what you see or hear seems worrying, someone you know well seems different or preoccupied or perhaps you’re concerned about a stranger that seems distressed – trust your instincts and reach out. Even a little small talk can be all it takes to interrupt somebody’s suicidal thoughts and save their life. We want to give as many people as possible the skills to notice if someone might be at risk and give them the confidence to approach them.
  • If you have been bereaved by suicide or know someone who has, and need support at this difficult time, South London and Maudsley and Mind offer practical support with things like funeral arrangements, as well as emotional support after the death and during the grieving process
  • You can also contact the Lambeth branch of Cruse Bereavement Care for specialist bereavement support on

020 7620 3999

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